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International Members

Membership in ASCGWA provides a unique opportunity for both our American and International Military Spouses. Since 1976, our members have enjoyed fun, fellowship, and cultural exchange opportunities with military friends from over 35 countries around the world! 

Eligibility: You are eligible to become a member of ASCGWA and participate in all events and activities if you are:

  • a spouse of an accredited attaché (Defense, Military, Air Force, Naval) or assistant attaché assigned to embassies in Washington, DC.
  • a spouse of a foreign officer or civilian employee (sponsored by their respective embassy) assigned to duties in the National Capital Region.

Benefits of Membership

ASCGWA membership dues are $45 per year. The membership fee includes:

  • A digital membership directory.
  • A digital subscription to Backchannels, our monthly newsletter.
  • An open invitation to participate in a large variety of club-sponsored activities and special programs like the ones mentioned above.
  • The ability to bring a guest to certain events.

    To become an ASCGWA member, please visit our membership page. You will sign up as an Associate Member. If you have questions about ASCGWA membership, please contact the International Chair at  We are looking forward to meeting you!


    I agree that when attending and/or participating in an event organized by the Army Spouses’ Club of the Greater Washington Area (ASCGWA), I do so at my own risk. 

    In addition, I will use good judgement, obey all laws, and take care to avoid any injury to myself, others, or property, and will not hold ASCGWA responsible for any mishaps.

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