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You are eligible for membership in the Army Spouses' Club if you are: 

A spouse of a member of the US Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines, or Coast Guard, who is currently serving on active duty or in active service in a reserve component, or has retired from active or reserve component service,


A spouse of others who meet any of the other criteria for becoming a member. 

If you know someone that doesn't use computers and needs a paper form, please contact our Membership Chair or download the form HERE.

We are excited to have you join us and look forward to seeing you at one of our next events!

I agree that when attending and/or participating in an event organized by the Army Spouses’ Club of the Greater Washington Area (ASCGWA), I do so at my own risk. 

In addition, I will use good judgement, obey all laws, and take care to avoid any injury to myself, others, or property, and will not hold ASCGWA responsible for any mishaps.

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